Empire maintains a pool of Officers and Crew experienced in Chemical Tankers and has managed to preserve a high retention rate for Officers and Crew.
- Empire has always aimed in attracting, developing and collaborating with qualified and skilled seafarers to expertly operate its fleet within a highly demanding and competitive environment.
- Our commitment to the cadet programs as well as our rigorous recruitment and hiring procedures ensure that our crew is of the highest quality and ability.
- The wellbeing of our Crew is the core value of our company’s philosophy and culture and constitutes an integral part of our long term success.
- Setting up training programs in-house and at Manning Agency’s premises.
- Thoroughly scrutinizing new recruits while undergoing extensive and continuous training program ashore and onboard along with experienced crew members. Familiarization procedures on Company’s Policies and latest Regulatory framework prior embarkation.
- Active promotion strategy rewarding hard working and reliable crew.
- Development of competency evaluation systems supported by computerized applications.
Empire has established longstanding cooperation with reputable Manning agencies in the Philippines, India, Singapore and Georgia holding a database of 8000 Officers and crew.
Empire evaluates cooperating agencies via annual audits.