It is the Company’s Policy that no seafarer, whatever rank, will navigate the vessel or will operate its equipment while impaired by drugs or alcohol or when there is any risk of such impairment.

The Company has defined as alcohol impairment a blood alcohol content of 40mg/100ml or more.

In order to enforce this policy, the Company has banned from its managed vessels all alcoholic beverages and any form of drugs, as well as the misuse of legitimate  drugs , with the exception of the necessary use of prescribed drugs.

The Company will dismiss and impose penalties, as per National and International regulations, to anybody using  or caught in possession of alcohol or banned substances on board the vessel.

The Company implements random testing of all crew for alcohol and  banned substances  and mandatory testing to new recruits prior to their embarkation.

The Company will dismiss and impose penalties to, as per National and International regulations, anybody using or caught in possession of alcohol or banned substances on board the vessel